Glowing Skin at Any Age: Alma Hybrid Laser's Impact on Collagen Production

Alma Lasers

Does it feel like you have sagging skin? Do you feel like you could benefit from getting services such as lasers in Australia, but just aren't sure what the laser resurfacing cost is?

Then you've come to the right place. We'll let you know how much a full face laser costs. We'll also tell you about alma lasers and how they work to benefit you and your collagen production.

If you're ready to learn how to help your skin, then all you need to do is keep reading.

How Do Alma Lasers Work?

Alma lasers are a relatively new type of laser often used in tightening treatments or other aesthetic procedures. These can be used to assist with a wide range of concerns about your body.

Laser treatments for the skin can be separated into two categories: ablative and non-ablative. 

Ablative laser treatments are more invasive and require a longer recovery time. These treatments stimulate collagen production by vaporising the very outermost layers of the skin. The results can last for years, making them ideal for addressing signs of ageing.

Non-ablative treatments, on the other hand, work by heating specific tissues to stimulate collagen production. These lasers are less invasive, so less recovery time is required. However, you might need multiple treatments.

The alma hybrid laser combines ablative and non-ablative laser treatments, which has never been done before. Combining the two different types of treatment provides a unique opportunity to help your skin with all kinds of problems you might feel self-conscious over.

Benefits of Alma Lasers

Alma hybrid lasers put together three of the most potent elements of laser treatments. It stimulates collagen production and causes skin rejuvenation, as well as providing ablation for the best resurfacing.

These two factors lead to the third element, which is allowing for the effective delivery of your skin products.

Alma hybrid lasers can help with all sorts of skin treatments. It is highly effective at treating scars whether they are acne, trauma, or surgical scars. These lasers go deep into the skin, causing a noticeable difference in five treatments.

Alma lasers are also capable of reducing wrinkle visibility and evening skin tone. They also rejuvenate the dermis in order to improve sagging skin, without causing any damage to the outer layers of skin. 

Finally, by stimulating collagen production, it actually helps make your skin younger. As you age, the collagen in your skin breaks down and it becomes harder to produce more. With alma laser treatments, you don't need to worry about this.

What Does Laser Resurfacing Cost?

As wonderful as laser resurfacing is, it's not without its downsides. The laser resurfacing cost is quite a bit of money. It costs eight hundred dollars for a single full face skin tightening and resurfacing procedure.

You shouldn't balk at the price just yet, however. The cost of laser resurfacing might be worth it to you. 

Alma hybrid lasers, as stated before, combine two different types of lasers. This allows the treatment to be more efficient and have less recovery time than the average laser resurfacing. 

If you decide to forgo alma lasers in favour of the typical treatments, you may regret it. Results will not be as obvious and long-lasting as the results an alma laser gives. In addition, you might spend more money in the long run due to needing more treatments than you would with an alma laser.

The choice is up to you, but we suggest you budget money for the alma laser treatments rather than something less expensive.

Should You Get a Full Face Laser?

When it comes to your comfort and confidence, you're the only one who can decide if a full face laser treatment is worth it. Choosing not to get a skin rejuvenation treatment doesn't decrease your self-worth. Never sacrifice your financial security for aesthetic procedures.

If you choose not to get a full face laser treatment, no one will judge you. There are still plenty of ways you can hide evidence of ageing if you wish to.

That being said, having a full face laser treatment may improve your confidence. The results that these treatments provide are noticeable and very satisfying.

If you want to decrease any signs of ageing, that is your right. This is your body; you are the only one who can make that choice. 

No matter which decision you make, we hope it is one that will help you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Lasers in Australia

If you have decided on getting an Alma laser treatment, you're likely looking into where to get lasers in Australia. Look no further - Star Medispa has multiple locations in Australia. You may be close to one of them.

Star Medispa offers a variety of services in addition to laser resurfacing. While you decide if you want an appointment with us, take a look at our other services! You may be interested in receiving more than just a full face laser.

Book an Appointment With Star Medispa

Now that you know all the benefits of alma lasers, as well as how much laser resurfacing costs, we hope you're ready to get your full face laser resurfacing done. Where better to get lasers in Australia than from us, Star Medispa?

If you're ready to reap the benefits of skin rejuvenation, all you need to do is fill out this form. One of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible and help you book an appointment with us.

Don't wait- do yourself and your skin a favour and book an appointment today!

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